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#PositivelyImmigration | British Actor Sir Patrick Stewart is applying to be a U.S. Citizen so he can "fight" (aka vote)


Need another reason to apply for your citizenship? Sir Patrick Stewart eloquently explains why he finally decided to make the leap from Permanent Resident to U.S. Citizen:

“I’m not a citizen. However, there is, maybe it’s the only good thing as the result of this election: I am now applying for citizenship because I want to be an American too, because all of my friends in Washington said, ‘There is one thing you can do. Fight, fight, oppose, oppose.’ But I can’t do it because I’m not a citizen.”

See more here.

Of course non-citizens can still indirectly participate in the political process by engaging in activities such as campaigning, marching and speaking about the issues. But only U.S. Citizens have the privilege to vote. So if you are a Permanent Resident and you are unhappy with the results of the 2016 election, apply for your citizenship today, so when 2020 rolls around you can be the first one in line to vote!

If you need help applying for your U.S. Citizenship, contact an experienced immigration attorney at The Shapiro Law Firm today.

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